Boiling Lake
“With mad singing in strange lands and familiar places, these tiny stories speak a language of dark lyricism. Unleashing the unconscious, White dares to venture through a tapestry of nightmare memories to illuminate strange moments of reality bordered by pure beauty. The book flies fast and free on the wings of words lit by the light on the moon.”
—Aimee Parkison, author,
The Petals of Your Eyes​
“Boiling Lake (On Voyage) is that place of in-betweens, mergings, undefinable spaces where the familiar rubs up against and engages the exotic and unknown: the so-called “human” world and the natural one; the America of strip malls and the America as it appears to a Mexican immigrant; a series of islands described from the viewpoint of voyagers across the temporal spectrum of history and the inhabitants of those islands; a woman’s body in a catalog of materialist and feminist protestations. These voyages are described in a series of blunt, uncompromising prose pieces, in search of an unknown destination, a “fertile country inhabited by sweet dispositioned savages who can be harnessed and used to good advantage.” The striking energy and territory of Boiling Lake (On Voyage) is a deeply conflicted cultural, metaphysical, and psycho-sexual space, a myriad, cubistic series of personae and forgotten voices that make our post-natural world both new again and hauntingly known.”
—Sam Witt, poet,
Sunflower Brother and Everlasting Quail
"The short flash pieces that comprise Sharon White’s Boiling Lake read like dispatches from a dreamscape—or perhaps a nightmarescape. Surreal, dark, and unmoored from time, these journal entries are well-crafted machines that merge fairytale, myth, and history into concise forms spanning no more than a page and a half." More....
—Kenna O’Rourke, Managing Editor of Jacket2
Eve & Her Apple
"So I’d compare Sharon White’s second collection, Eve and Her Apple, to a flower opening, to a jewelry box. Such freshness and sweetness, such effortless storytelling, the unexpected, the miraculous, emerging. Folklore, voyage, memoir. I love the surprise, the journeying by such various routes, Finnmark, 19th century Lowell, Massachusetts, present day and historic west. How, with a reverence for natural and human history, White casts her spell and takes us where she is going."
Marguerite McGlinn Prize for Fiction
Minato Sketches
2010 Calavino Prize for Fiction
University of Louisville
Award Winning Story
The Forest
Pennsylvania Horticultural Society
American Philosophical Society
The Academy of Natural Sciences
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Vanished Gardens: Finding Nature in Philadelphia
”Vanished Gardens, like the gardens of Philadelphia it plots so brilliantly in its pages, presents itself as both highly formal and completely natural in its composition and its fruition...”
— Michael Martone, author of Michael Martone
“I know of no book about gardens that comes close to the beauty of Sharon White’s Vanished Gardens. Her lyrical prose moves effortlessly through the centuries, through the stories and histories of people and flowers, of rivers and plants. Stunning work.”
— Lisa Couturier, author of The Hopes of Snakes & Other Tales from the Urban Landscape
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Panic (essay)
Cleaver Magazine
I was on top of a mountain, a small mountain in the Lake District, and my grandmother was alone at the inn. I was lost in fog. I was lost in the swirling fog and my grandmother was alone at the inn..... more
The Rupture